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Competent person MGPS (HTM 02)


Course Details

Course code
5 days
Medical Gases
City & Guilds Assured
Training method

To enable learners to carry out the installation, commissioning and engineering tests which are designated to a Competent Person as set out in HTM 02-01 and to be aware of the dangers involved.

Who is the course for

This course is for staff whose duties include the installation and maintenance of medical gas pipeline systems.

It is particularly relevant for those who are (or will be) designated Competent Persons in a healthcare organisation or are employees of contractors performing such works.

Aims & objectives

To enable learners to carry out the installation, commissioning and engineering tests which are designated to a Competent Person as set out in HTM 02-01 and to be aware of the dangers involved.


– Identify relevant medical gas cylinder colour codes

– Correctly service a range of medical gas terminal units

– Carry out fluxless brazing to HTM 02 standards

– Provide competent assistance to the Authorised Person during the execution of engineering tests

– List the duties of a Competent Person in accordance with HTM 02

– Identify potential hazards and adopt safe working procedures when working on piped medical gas systems

– Summarise the medical gas pipeline systems ‘Permit to Work’ scheme

– Describe the main components associated with medical gas pipeline system


Upcoming Courses

Take a look at where you will train

Our extensive practical facilities give learners the chance to gain valuable hands-on experience within a safe and controlled environment.

Course FAQs

Provisional bookings will be held for one week (7 days) from the date of booking.

As we are facing a high demand for course places, we kindly ask you to confirm your place as soon as possible.

If you do not confirm this booking within this period, unfortunately we cannot hold the place for you and the provisional booking request will be removed from the system.

If you are booked onto one of our Competent or Authorised Person courses then you need to bring suitable clothing for brazing and a pair of safety shoes or boots for cylinder handling.  Gloves and eye protection are provided by Eastwood park. Call our Sales team for advice on +44 (0)1454 262777.

It is recommended within HTM 02-01 that refresher training should be carried out every 3 years.

The Competent person MGPS (HTM 02) refresher is for Competent persons who have previously attended medical gas pipeline systems courses for competent persons and who now require updating on current guidance and best practice. 

Authorised person MGPS (HTM 02) refresher is aimed at Authorised persons who need updating on current guidance and best practice working on medical gas pipeline systems. 

Our Quality controller MGPS refresher is for existing QC (MGPS) Pharmacists currently on the national QC register and who require medical gas CPD and assessment for re-registration on the UK national register.

Your joining instructions will state whether you need to bring anything with you to your course.

To book one of our courses follow the ‘book now’ link above or call our sales team on  +44 (0)1454 262777.

You can view and download our booking terms and conditions in the footer of our website.

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